
Peak Performance Coaching

This is JD Wisehart, and I will guide you to becoming the best version of yourself. Life is too short to be unhappy with anything. Your body, energy, confidence etc. These are all things that can be changed. It starts with dominating your mind. Once you do this, anything is possible. You make the right goals, take action, and get results. 

From broken arms and collar bones in high school to a Marine Corps injury that left me with a grocery bag of meds, I know how to keep pushing forward.  

It’s all about MINDSET

How I Transformed



The Best Version of Myself

There is no separation between
mind and body
- Depoch Chopra

What Pain and Suffering Taught me.

You have to take your health into your own hands. Doctors are great for fixing bones, but it’s up to YOU to take care of your MIND and BODY. 


A harmonious communication between MIND and BODY. The mind controls the body, but the body influences the mind. If you feed your mind negative commentary all day, then your body will suffer. If you feed your body the right nutrients and exercise, your mind will prosper. 


3 Steps

1. Decide to pursuit the best version of yourself.

2. Sign up for the proven Peak Performance Program.

3. Begin your personal growth journey with me as your guide.

Begin with the choice to be the BEST version of yourself. This is not a pursuit of perfection; it’s BEATING the person you were yesterday.

There are two types of people in this world..

Those who accept their declining health..

And those who don’t accept bullshit and take action.

“The best way to predict the future, is to create it.”
– Peter Drucker

There is no separation between
mind and body
Depoch Chopra
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